莉亚‘s baby shower获得空前的成功,大家热心要求上传视频和图像,丹宇和文宏会做一些工作。
首先询问大家意见,if you are ok with upload online if your images inside?
为了让你可以先睹为快,Please visit the fellwoship for the download links. I will only post there for a week, then will remove them.
莉亚‘s baby shower
莉亚‘s baby shower
我又听见主的声音说:“我可以差遣谁呢?谁肯为我们去呢?”我说:“我在这里,请差遣我!” - 以赛亚书6:8
Re: 莉亚‘s baby shower
To be honest, I don't even know what is Baby Shower even though I have been in Canada for about 13 years.
Thanks to PingPing who organized this and prepared all the wonderful gifts, delicious food, and the amazing games.
I wasn't able to see the games due to AWANA. However, WenBin showed me how my husband JiaChen won the "baby food eating contest"
Thanks for everyone who attended and contributed to this event. A great applause is given to PingPing family.

Thanks to PingPing who organized this and prepared all the wonderful gifts, delicious food, and the amazing games.
I wasn't able to see the games due to AWANA. However, WenBin showed me how my husband JiaChen won the "baby food eating contest"

Thanks for everyone who attended and contributed to this event. A great applause is given to PingPing family.

你 爱 我 比 这 些 更 深 吗 ?(约 翰 福 音 21:15)
Re: 莉亚‘s baby shower
Thank you Heavenly Father. Please watch over Leah's delivery. In jesus' name, Amen!
- 启22:17 愿意的都可以白白取生命的水喝。