如果你有公司的退休金计划(Public Pension Plan),那你退休后会有一定的固定收入,多少就看你工资,工龄,年龄,全额还是早退等等;如果你没有公司的退休金计划,那你一定会买注册退休资金的(RRSP)。
1.CPP(Canada Pension Plan)退休金
2.OAS(Old Age Security ) 老年金
•净收入超 $119,398就一点也拿不到。就2016年来说收入低于$73,756 可拿全额,在$73,756 和 $119,398之间有资格拿部分。
• 2016年最大数额-$546.07。
3.GIS(Guaranteed Income Supplement )
•配偶有资格领取(OAS) 和 (GIS);
以上都是每月付给合格的退休人群,需要申请;如果收入超过 $73,756 要吐出来。所以这个数目是Magic#, 一定不要超过啊。
•The beneficiary’s net income above which you must repay part or all of the Old Age Security pension ($73,756 in 2016) varies each year to take into account the increase in the cost of living. All the other amounts are revised every three months to take into account the increase in the cost of living. Please note that the increase can be nil.
minimum income in retirement, subject to certain conditions.
Benefits from the federal Old Age Security program
Benefit type
Maximum monthly amount (April to June 2016)
Maximum annual income
Old Age Security pension $ 570,52 See details *
Guaranteed Income Supplement
Single person $ 773.60 $ 17,304
Spouse of a non-pensioner $ 773,60 $ 41,472
Spouse of a pensioner $ 512.96 $ 22,848
Spouse of an Allowance recipient $ 512.96 $ 41,472
Allowance $ 1,083,48 $ 32,016
Allowance for the Survivor $ 1,213.00 $ 23,328