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Post by danyuwang »

写完题目,真的感到汉语的退步。 :oops:

This is an advanced option and is not suggested to users who don't visit forum quite often. :-ss

Here is what I mean.

We have Topics and Posts. And there might be many posts(replies by different people) under one Topic.

What if you don't want to screw down every time there is a new reply for your topic?

You can change your display options.

The default for this option is "Ascending", which means you will see the initial post first and then the newest post. In other words, you will see the posts from the oldest to newest in the ascending order when the reply is posted. Strongly suggest the new user to use this default option to avoid confusions.

However, if you visit forum quite often and you want to read the newest post for a topic, you can change it to "Descending".

Keep in mind, this is your own preference and You can change it back at any time.
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Re: 如何先阅读同一个题目下后写的贴

Post by admin »

testing draft
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